Tuesday, January 24, 2012

On the Look Out!

Hello All!

Well, we have pretty much decided to gut the truck house. We just figure its going to be easier to start from scratch than trying to salvage what is left inside.  So, we are on the look out for a few things that we know we are going to need for sure:

1) Im super excited that Heath agreed to let me use milk crates for storage on the walls. Yes, thats right, good ol' fashioned milk crates. Just like these: 

-Surely someone out there has milk crates just lying around collecting dust! 

2) We are going to need some carpet. Sadly, the green shag carpet isn't going to be able to stay. I was a little bit upset about it at first, but I think it is for the best that it leaves the Truckhouse.  Bye-bye shag carpet, you will be missed! However, looking forward to new (hopefully free, or super cheap carpet)
-So, if you have any spare carpet just lying around, feel free to send it our way, we will make sure to give it a good home!

3) We are also probably going to need a bit of plywood. Most of the plywood that was in Truckhouse has been damaged, so we have to replace most of it. I'm sure its not very expensive in the first place, but again, if you have any extra just lying around, we will be happy to take it off your hands! (sorry i dont have any great pictures for plywood)

4) Fabric. We have to reupholster pretty much everything that had fabric on it to start with. So that means, the bench and the sleeping area. We will also need fabric for curtains. My lovely mom already gave us a ton of fabric and I plan on using some of it... but I can always use more!!
-I would love to stay in this color scheme, but obviously Im not going to be picky :)

5) Vinyl for the countertop. We are aware that this pretty cheap, but more than happy to get it for free! We don't have a preference in color or anything like that. Anything will do!

I think that is pretty much all we know of for now. Of course, as we get further along we will have more things that are needed. We are still trying to make sure we do this as cheap as possible, so if you want to help out by donating things you just have lying around or can give us some useful tips on finding things we would really appreciate it! 


Monday, January 16, 2012

so much to do!

Well, as most of you know, we are working on our new "truckhouse".
As Heath began to tear into it and see how much work really needed to be done, we discovered that there is WAY  more work to be done than we had originally anticipated. So, we have kind of just left it for a couple of weeks. 
**Our thought process kind of matched that of the picture above.**
We are going to have to replace all of the carpet, a ton of the plywood under the sleeping area, in the bathroom and in some of the closets. I have to reupholster pretty much everything that had fabric on it. We just became a little overwhelmed with it all. But I think we are ready to jump into it now.
My mom was nice enough to give me a TON of material (because she is the best) to try and use to re-cover the bench and sleeping area. Hopefully I can make it work.
Naturally, we are trying to do as much as we can for as cheap as we can. So if any of you lovely people have any ideas of where to get materials such as: carpet, plywood, etc. for cheap, we would love it if you would pass those along to us. Of course we are checking on craigslist, but we aren't having much luck there so far.

I just keep telling myself that is has to be "livable" and not necessarily "pretty"

Wish us luck, looks like it is going to be a long road!!
