Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hubcab, Bacon and Kenny Powers

Where to start!!!

Well, we finally got the Truckhouse registered (a whole blog post in itself, I will spare you the details) and we are officially out of Nashville! We spent a couple days at my mom's house getting stuff together for a yard sale and had that last weekend. Monday is when we really started living out of Truckhouse! 

We are currently staying at Dogwood Lakes in Dunmor, KY. This is where my family has been camping for years and years! My parents keep their camper here year-round. Its a pretty classy place.  Haha. During the week it was pretty relaxing and calm. We were almost the only people here so we had the whole lake and beach to ourselves most of the time. The real fun started Thursday night and into Friday. 

Just a few highlights from this week/weekend.

1) Fish literally tried to eat the mole on Heath's back. It was pretty funny, the first time anyway. The 2nd time resulted in this....

Gross, I know. But, after the 2nd vicious fish attack, we now keep a band-aid on it so we don't attract the little fishies with Heath's mole bate.

2) You always meet a few characters while at Dogwood. The first, we didn't actually meet, but heard his name over and over again. His name is "Hubcap"   If we matched the right person with the name being yelled over and over again, this Hubcap character had what we thought was a pretty awesome rat tail. Turns out, it was just a really long pony tail with the whole underneath shaved.

I kind of wish we could have seen this rat tail in person..... haha. Awesome.

3) Heath swears that if Kenny Powers was modeled after any human being, we witnessed that human today. I was completely disgusted with this individual. He told his son, maybe 3 yrs old, that he was a "punk-ass" and needed to go see on the bench. Later, the Kenny Powers of Dogwood argued with his woman over how the young boy should learn how to swim.... I don't think there has ever been a time in my life where I wanted to punch someone so bad....

Kenny Powers, in case you needed a reference...

4) On a lighter note, we met a pet pig whose name is Bacon. The guy who was carrying him around told me he wanted to get a boy pet pig and name him Porkchop. Yep. Bacon and Porkchop. He also told us his story of how he went "up to Tennessee" one time to get a pitbull.  Keep in mind we are in KY, TN is not "up"

5) In case you didn't know its been super hot. We have luckily been able to lounge in a lake or under the shade all day. We have no AC in our camper and we are making it just fine! Thanks to my awesome parents, this is what our camp looks like:

That badass PBR hammock was our Christmas present and the canopy was our "going away" present! My parents are the greatest!

Here are a few shots of how we have been spending our life recently!!!! Enjoy!