Monday, July 2, 2012

Laundry Day!!!

Today is laundry day...

In the past I have always dreaded laundry day. Driving to the laundry mat, paying to wash clothes, waiting for them to wash, paying to dry, waiting for them to dry, then lugging them home to fold was just too much of a task! I hated it!!!

Now that we are living in Truckhouse and living on a limited budget, I wanted to find a way to do laundry that was not only cheaper, but more environmentally friendly as well. After a lot of search on the internet I found our new washer. It super simple and doesn't require anything except at least a 5 gallon bucket and a very tiny amount of laundry soap!

Today was our first day getting to use our new washer and it worked out perfectly! Here is how it works:

1) Get your bucket and Mobile Washer ready!


2) Fill the bucket with clothes, water and your detergent! (If you use the recommended 5 gallon bucket, it only takes 2 gallons of water and about 1teaspoon of laundry detergent)


3) Grab your washing machine and move it just like you would a plunger. It works by pushing and pulling water through the clothes, which according to the website, is a powerful cleaning action that will actually pull out residual detergent that is left by electric washers!


4) Once you feel like you have "agitated" the clothes enough, you dump out all of the dirty water and refill the bucket with clean water. You then have to do the process over so you can make sure all of the detergent is out of the clothes!


5) Dump all of that water out and ring out the clothes and hang them to dry!!!

FINISHED! well, minus the whole folding and putting away stuff.

I have to say, this method of doing laundry is way more appealing to me than how we used to have to do it! This way clothes are getting very clean, we are saving water, using less detergent, I'm getting an arm workout and we dont use any electricity in the drying process!

This is also very wallet-friendly. I believe we paid about $27 for the washer, shipped. This thing will pay for itself after about 2 weeks of us using it. The laundry mats were expensive back home... now we don't have to worry about wasting gas getting there and I also dont have to worry about finding quarters!

You guys should all look into getting one! Eco-friendly, wallet-friendly and it gives you a workout! Also, who doesn't like the smell of your laundry after its been out drying in the sun all day? The list of pros can go on and on!!!

Have a great day everyone!


Megan, Heath and Taz!