Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You don't use shampoo!?

So, as we are preparing for our new adventure we are trying to simplify our lives as much as possible. We are doing the normal things such as: getting rid of clothes we don't wear, things we don't use or just don't need. My ideal goal would be getting down to 100 possessions or less! I read about the concept in a blog recently, and I have been thinking about ways to do it ever since.

One other way I have been working on simplifying my life is by not using shampoo or conditioner. As you all know, shampoo has so many chemicals in it that, lets just face it, aren't necessary. Not to mention, its expensive and most of time doesn't do what I want it to. I came across a great blog that outlines all of the harsh things that go into shampoo and some great advice for going 'poo free. Basically, you use baking soda mixed with water as your new shampoo! Baking soda is all natural and oh so cheap! I've been 'poo free for a little over a month now and I absolutely love it. Of course, it took a while for my hair to go through the "transition phase"  and was a little greasy for a bit. Fortunately, I now have even shorter hair and the baking soda shampoo is working great! I also use a little bit of apple cider vinegar (mixed with water) as a conditioner. I can't use too much of it because my hair is already a little on the greasy side. (Honey works as a great conditioner as well)

The next thing we are getting rid of is deodorant. I know what you must be thinking, "who in their right mind would get rid of deodorant". Well, if you have done any research on deodorant, you know that it's main ingredient is Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex. Yea, its a mouthful. Anyway, it has been linked to Alzheimers and other neurological diseases. There are plenty of deodorants out there that don't contain aluminum, but they are pretty pricey, and as you know, we are trying to start living as cheap as possible. So, we did some research and came across an article that baking soda and cornstarch can be used as a deodorant. We already have baking soda at the house, thanks to my no 'poo, so we were excited to find out that cornstarch is just as cheap! Heath is going to be the first one to test it out and I can't wait to see how well it works!

Do you have any cheap eco-friendly tips for us!? Send them our way!

Our adventure will start in approximately 5 months. I'm so excited, but getting nervous that there is so much to do! I know we will make it all work and it will be the best times of our lives. I can't wait to be on the open road with my love. 


Mom Myers said...

i will miss you both but know you will have
great times

Megan said...

"mom myers" hahaha. i love you!!! you know we will miss you too!

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