Thursday, May 10, 2012

Progress! Progress! Progress!

Well, we are finally making progress on the TruckHouse. Which is good  necessary since we plan on leaving sometime next month. Time is just flying by!

Oh, so something really awesome happened and we got  a codes violation sticker on the camper a few weeks ago. They claimed it was an abandoned vehicle and if we didn't move it in 10days they were gonna confiscate it and destroy it. Jerks. So, thankfully, my parents are letting it live in their driveway. Unfortunately, Heath has to drive to White House every day to work on it now, instead of just walking to the street and working on it. Oh the joy.

Anyway, remember all of that god awful interior? Well, its all gone. Every last bit of it. Heath successfully gutted the entire camper. Things that are gone and never coming back: stove, big refrigerator, water heater, tv, microwave and shag carpet. Unfortunately we also had to take out big chunks of the floor due to water damage. It was a little more than we had originally thought, but we Heath is dealing with it.

 Hey there ground.                                                                          

 Oh, see that thing on the right? Thats our bathroom/shower. All one piece. Gonna be fun taking showers while straddling a toilet.

Positive note: We have a new floor! And our sink is connected and thats our new mini fridge (Thanks mom and dad)!

Also, we did score a free new bench (a seat out of an old van that had literally never been used). Thank you craigslist. It should work just fine. The previous bench was just completely ruined from a leak. 

I think the next step is to put some carpet on the walls/floors and go from there. Heath is being such a trooper and I am so thankful for him!!

So far we have only spent about $200 on materials and the camper itself was only $2000. So, we are hoping to have our new home up and ready for around $2500. Not bad if you think about. I'm dreaming of the days where I don't have to pay rent or electric/cable/internet bills. That freedom will be oh so lovely.

Hurry up next month!!!!

Our plan as of now is once we are out of our apartment and the camper is ready to go, we are going to spend some time at my parents campground in good ol' Dunmor, KY. We have a site that is already paid for . This way we can test out living in it and making sure we know how to work everything properly. Then, my dad will be coming home for Afghanistan for about a month. Really looking forward to seeing him. We plan on starting the real adventure towards the end of July. 

We are getting more and more excited/anxious every day. Thank you all for all of your support and love!


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