Monday, February 20, 2012

Debt Free

Finally. I'm debt free. Well, almost... the check has been mailed so I think it close enough for me to celebrate! Such a great feeling! 
This isn't quite how I feel about being debt free, but you get the picture.

Now, its time for the major saving to start. We plan on leaving in a very short 5 months. Hopefully I will have enough money saved so I can take pictures like this: 

We haven't really set a goal for how much we would like to have saved before we leave, just enough to leave. HAHA! Luckily, we have found options for once we are out on the road that we can do when we run low on money. Of course, we can always just park and get regular jobs, like serving, for a few months or we can become part of a program called workamping. Workamping has the potential to be my favorite thing! All you do is sign up to be apart of the website and then they show you all of the available job sites that are willing to give you a free campsite in exchange for work in their office (KOAs and other campgrounds). You can work extra hours to earn an additional pay check as well. We will probably go ahead and set up camp somewhere warm in the winter time so we can get some extra money! 

I keep looking for some kind of work that I could do from the RV and get a steady income. Every time I look, I just feel like they are all scams. Anyone have any ideas or success stories with things like this?

Also, considering getting a part time job for nights and weekends to earn a little extra cash. So, if you hear of anywhere hiring or if you have any side jobs you need done, you just let me know :) 



Betsy Lynn said...

Check with Corp campgrounds. I know we have volunteers in the summer that run the campgrounds. You have to be interviewed and everything, but the campsite is free and you have different shifts to work, so you could still have a side job to bring in money. It's only for few months and you have to know ahead of time where you are going to be, but it might work out for you. Good luck! Can't wait to read about your journey! :) Love ya, Betsy

Megan said...

Betsy, thank you! i will definitely look into it! I cant wait to post more interesting things once we are out on the road!!! Love you!

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